About Us

What We Do

Our union stays active in our district and our state on a political and negotiating ground.
Shared Governance
Empowering collaboration, shared governance shapes our unified educational journey.

Written Agreement
Binding our commitment in ink, a pact for shared goals.

Union Networking
Unite locally, amplify impact nationally: union networking fuels education's progress.

Peer Assistance and Review (PAR)
Cultivating brilliance: mentoring new teachers sparks educational success and innovation.

Leadership Team

Our SLEA Executive Board is comprised of 12 individuals; President, Vice President and 10 Members-At-Large elected from the Association membership. Each board member is assigned liaison schools working directly with the Association Representatives to communicate, advocate, and mediate with our members. Together they volunteer their time and talents to govern our association.

Mike Harman
Mike Harman


SLEA President
Homeless Shelter and
Family Services Liaison
Chelsie Acosta
Chelsie Acosta


SLEA Vice President
  • Clayton Middle
  • PAR Consulting
  • Nurses
  • Northwest Middle
    James Lewis


    Executive Director: Wasatch Uniserve
    Lorrie Gilbert


    Office Manager: Wasatch Uniserve

    Association Committees

    Contract and Negotiations

    Chair: Kristy Johnson

    The Contract and Negotiations Committee (CAN) works to identify SLEA's bargaining items and to strengthen our position for negotiations, which begin in the spring. Each year, SLEA can bring three items, in addition to salaries, to negotiate with the district for our Written Agreement (WA). CAN surveys all members and works to identify members' top priorities. The CAN committee also selects the SLEA negotiations team.

    Organizing and Membership

    Chair: Jeannette Hufford

    The Organizing and Membership (O&M) team gets us together to give educators a stronger voice. It is essential that we are organized, develop campaigns to address district-wide issues, and have more SLEA members and participation. Our power comes from our ability to collective communicate issues and to mobilize members. This committee works to put our words into action!

    Social Justice

    Chair: TBD

    The Social Justice (SJ) committee advocates for our students with an equity lens. This committee looks at strategies to address inequities in education, as well as the broader communities in which our students live. Additionally, the SJ committee works at forming coalitions with community groups to address economic, racial, and other disparities in Salt Lake City.

    Political Education and Action

    Chair: Courtney Davis

    The Political Education and Action (PEAC) team interviews Salt Lake City political candidates and makes candidate recommendations, paying special attention to Salt Lake City School Board elections. PEAC works to get SLEA/UEA-endorsed candidates elected.  PEAC works with O&M to coordinate SLEA activism during the Utah legislative session. This work is essential. We know there are some in the Utah State Legislature gearing up to go after public education and educators, so we need to be organized!

    Executive Board Members

    As the backbone of our union, your concerns are our utmost priority. We encourage you to connect with our dedicated executive members to address any school or district-related issues you may be facing. Our executive team stands ready to listen, support, and collaborate with you to find solutions and drive positive change. Whether it's regarding the Written Agreement, shared governance, political action concerns, professional development opportunities, or any other educational matters, our executive members are here to advocate for your needs. Together, we can create a stronger, more empowered education community. Reach out today and let your voice be heard!

    Jasmihn Coombs


    • Emerson Elementary
    • Ensign Elementary
    • Rose Park Elementary
    • Washington Elementary
    Becky Bissegger
    Becky Bissegger


    • Edison Elementary
    • Franklin Elementary
    • Newman Elementary
    • North Star Elementary
    Patrick Gardner
    Patrick Gardner


    • East High
    • Glendale Middle
    • Innovations High/CTE
    Tonya Huso
    Tonya Huso


    • Bonneville Elementary
    • Parkview Elementary
    • Wasatch Elementary
    • Speech and Hearing
    Brenda Johnson
    Jenifer Johnson


    • Beacon Heights Elementary
    • Escalante Elementary
    • Open Classroom
    • Uintah Elementary
    Brenda Kraack


    • District Office
    • Teaching and Learning
    • Highland High
    Sarah Nichols
    Sarah Nichols


    • West High
    • Indian Hills Elementary
    • Nibley Park, K-8
    • Music Department
    Jeremy Renoso
    Jeremy Renoso


    UEA Board of Directors
    Brett Rydalch


    • Hillside Middle
    • Mt. View Elementary
    • SLCSE-Bryant
    • Social Workers
    Amanda Sutton
    Amanda Sutton


    • Backman Elementary
    • Dilworth Elementary
    • Highland Park Elementary
    • Meadowlark Elementary
    • Whittier Elementary
    Franz Villate


    • Horizonte
    • Liberty Elementary
    • Skyview Academy
    • SLCSE- Rose Park

    Association Resources

    A Guidebook to fostering collaboration and growth for educators' success.
    Our compass, guiding collaboration for educational excellence.
    Solidifying intent, a written agreement binds our shared aspirations together.